I. How to Stake ETI

How to stake ETI in order to submit or vote on Proposals

How to Stake

Prerequisite: Having at least some ETI on your address.

In order to stake Etica (ETI) and get Bosoms, click on the "W" letter on the right corner to open the wallet.

Once you've confirmed your stake, you will get Bosoms and your ETI will be staked for a default period of 28 days. If you don't use your Bosoms to vote or create proposals you will be able to claim your ETI after the 28 days period. If you used your Bosoms to vote or create proposals then the 28 days might increase depending on the results of your votes and your proposals.

Remarks on Units: Enter the amount you want to stack (in ETI unit). For instance 5 will stack 5 ETI and not 0.000000000000000005 ETI. If you want to stack under ETI units, use a "." and not a comma "," as separator. For instance 5.26132 to stack 5.26132 ETI.



I. Click on W symbol to open the wallet box on the right

II. Enter the amount of ETI you want to stake

Use "." for decimals like 2.3151 ETI

III. Confirm Transaction on Metamask

Once transaction is broadcated, the stake will be done. Your address will get bosoms and ETI will be locked for 28 days. Note that on Etica "staking" doesn't refer to traditional staking. In fact on Etica just staking and claiming back the stake after 28 days doesn't yield rewards. It's only when one uses bosoms to vote on proposals that the stake can yield rewards.