VII. How to add Diseases and Chunks

How to add Diseases and Chunks to Etica Mainnet

How to add a Disease to Etica

Prerequisites: Having 500 ETI on your address to add a Disease. (or 100 ETI to add a Chunk)

To Create Diseases:

To create a disease it's necessary to burn 500 ETI.
Once you have at least 500 ETI on your address go to Create Disease page, enter the English disease's name and click on create disease. After confirming the transaction on Metamask the disease will be added on Etica Mainnet.

To Create Chunks:

To create a chunk it's necessary to burn 100 ETI.
Once you have at least 100 ETI, go to Create Chunk page. Enter the title (mandatory), description (optional) and the disease's hash of the new chunk you want to create. You can find diseases and their hashes on diseases page: Diseases.
After confirming the transaction on Metamask the chunk will be added on Etica Mainnet.

Detailed Process

I. Check you have at least 500 ETI (or 100 ETI for chunks)

II. Enter new disease English name and click on create

III. Confirm Transaction on Metamask

Once transaction is broadcated, the Disease or Chunk will be added to Etica Protocol