I. How to Stake

On Etica staking doesn't refer to traditional staking. Staking ETI means locking it for 28 days and get bosoms in exchange. Bosoms is voting power that allows to vote on proposals or submit proposals. It's the use of Bosoms to vote on or submit proposals that can bring rewards. Unlike traditional staking, simply locking ETI doesn't yield more ETI.

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II. How to vote

How to take part in Etica voting system by using bosoms to vote on mainnet proposals.

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III. How to submit Proposals

Everything you need to know before making your first proposals. How to submit proposals to Etica mainnet. Examples of JSON standards to use in the freefield on chain field

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IV. How to reveal votes

When you use bosoms (staked ETI) to vote, it locks ETI in voting system. It is important to reveal your vote on time (1 week window) in order to unlock your ETI from voting system.

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V. How to claim proposals

There is no deadline to claim a proposal, it can be claimed at any time once proposal has entered its final stage (claiming stage). Claiming proposals is for both voters and proposals makers. It allows to unlock ETI locked in voting process, once proposal is claimed it is possible to get rewards, stake slash or fees.

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V. How to claim stakes

Claiming stakes allows to get ETI back from staking system. It is possible to claim a stake only if its end date has been reached and if its amount is less than address's total ETI locked in voting system.

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How to create Diseases and Chunks

How to add Diseases and Chunks to Etica mainnet. Adding Diseases and Chunks enables community and more broadly the society as a whole to organize open source research

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